Typeform Source Plugin

Typeform Source Plugin

Latest: v1.2.2

The CloudQuery Typeform plugin pulls data from Typeform (opens in a new tab) and loads it into any supported CloudQuery destination (e.g. PostgreSQL, BigQuery, Snowflake, and more (opens in a new tab)).

See tables for a list of resources supported.

Example Configuration

This example syncs from Typeform to a Postgres destination. The (top level) source spec section is described in the Source Spec Reference.

kind: source
# Common source-plugin configuration
  name: typeform
  registry: docker
  tables: ["typeform_forms"]
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
  # Typeform-specific configuration
    access_token: "<YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE>"
    base_url: "" # use for EU accounts
    # Optional configuration
    # concurrency: 100
    # queue_size: 10000

The Typeform plugin is distributed as a Docker image. This requires a Docker runtime to be installed on the same machine as the CloudQuery CLI, and a CLI version that supports the docker registry type (v3.12.0 and higher).


In order to fetch information from Typeform, cloudquery needs to authenticate using a personal access token for Typeform's APIs (opens in a new tab). Follow the instructions on the Typeform website and create a read-only token.

Configuration Reference

This is the (nested) spec used by the Typeform source plugin:

  • access_token (string, required):

    Your personal access token (opens in a new tab) from the Typeform Dashboard.

  • base_url (string, optional. Default:

    The base URL to fetch data from. Use (opens in a new tab) if your account is stored in the EU.

  • concurrency (integer, optional. Default: 100):

    Maximum number of requests to perform concurrently.

  • queue_size (integer, optional. Default: 10000):

    Maximum number of items to have in the queue before waiting for an unfinished request to complete.